Wisdom of the Heart: Treasure w/ Virenia PeeplesEnJoy this Episode from the “Wisdom of the Heart” VIDEO series —topic based conversations from A Course of Love (ACOL), as we share...
Bashar: 2020 Eye of the StormIn January of 2020, Bashar told us of the immense changes and challenges we would be facing. In this clip, he tells us how to not only...
Thrive: The MovementTHRIVE II: This is What it Takes explores breakthrough innovations from around the world, unpacks the principles they have in common and...
Did You Discover What You Needed?By leaning into a deeper answer to what was meant as a simple question, Virenia communicates from her heart the truth of what humanity is...
How Enlightened Families ArgueMy friend, comedian Kyle Cease, brilliantly says outside what’s truthfully going on inside.
You Are A Chosen OneWant to know why you feel a little out of place? You are a chosen one. Reference video: https://youtu.be/cJC6OIp-qsw
A Course of Love - Chapter 2 readingWhat LOVE is… a reading of the second chapter of A Course of LOVE….I mean REAL love.
Prepare for Valentines!Buddha’s 4 secrets of True Love give simple elements for identifying and maintaining a beautiful partnership.
A Course of Love- My bible for the year (Nia, vlog 9)The most powerful book for our expansion into the deeper understanding of LOVE, how to live it and identify it.